Relatable AF

Happy Thursday,

Today, we're navigating the delicate balance of plane etiquette as one mother’s patience is tested mid-flight, joining Mila Kunis in her all-too-relatable parenting moments, and taking a heartfelt look at raising a child with disabilities amid a world of accessibility shortcomings. Plus, we've got creative solutions for your child’s mounting artwork collection and fresh perspectives on parenting neurodiverse kids, and finally why it’s important to teach interdependence vs. independence.

Let’s get into it!

Parenting Pulse: Trending Stories & Insights

Tip of the Day
Read of the Day

Sometimes I'm getting ready to go on stage and I think about that math and fourth-grade math is different than it used to be. So I'm a little more nervous this year about my ability to help

-Kevin Jonas

Parenting Perspectives: Your Stories Shared

I was buckling in for a solo cross-country flight with my 2-year-old daughter, hopeful for a smooth journey. She’s usually an excellent traveler, but that day was different. From the moment we took our seats, she refused to sleep or sit still. She wriggled, squirmed, and started to get fussy as the plane ascended.

After trying books, toys, and snacks to no avail, the meltdowns began. Fellow passengers started giving those sympathetic looks mixed with slight annoyance. I felt the weight of every stare, adding to my own stress and frustration.

Mid-flight, as she continued to wail and flail her arms, a kind-hearted flight attendant approached us. She knelt down to my daughter's level and started a gentle conversation with her. Miraculously, her demeanor changed. She was engaged, calm, and genuinely intrigued by the flight attendant's friendly and inviting tone. She even showed my daughter the view from the window, explaining the clouds and sky, which fascinated her.

Seeing this, another passenger handed her a small stuffed animal from her bag—a gesture of solidarity that almost brought me to tears. For the rest of the flight, my daughter was soothed and finally dozed off.

The takeaway? Traveling with a child can feel like a spotlight of scrutiny, but this experience reminded me that there are kind souls everywhere who understand the challenges of parenting, even 35,000 feet up.

Time(out) for Memes

Question of the Day

When traveling with your kids, what’s your go-to strategy to keep them calm and comfortable during a flight? Have you ever encountered an ‘angel’ passenger or crew member who helped you in a tough moment? Share your stories with us! ✈️

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