Are You Parenting Your Partner?

Happy Friday,

What a week. I saw this post while scrolling instagram this morning and it really hit home. Hug your loved ones extra close this weekend.

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One Big Idea

There’s no doubt that navigating a romantic relationship can be challenging. One particular dynamic I’ve read about that has emerged in relationships is the act of "parenting" one's partner. This isn’t about the occasional reminder or the loving nudge but a consistent and persistent role of playing the caregiver, leaving the other partner often feeling infantilized. The root causes for this can range from a partner's dependency issues, past traumas, or even the mere comfort of falling into a predictable role. However, the consequences are clear - it can lead to a significant imbalance in the relationship. Imagine taking on an authoritarian role, reprimanding your partner for undone chores, or handling finances as if doling out an allowance. I know for me that would be a particularly bad career decision. The very essence of an equal partnership gets diluted, leading to feelings of resentment and further distance.

Psychologists caution against this dynamic, emphasizing that while caring and concern are pillars of a healthy relationship, consistently falling into a parent-child dynamic is detrimental. It's not only patronizing but, in many instances, fosters a sense of inadequacy in the "child" partner. Partnerships thrive on mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration. When one partner constantly assumes the role of a caregiver, it diminishes the essence of equal partnership, leaving the other feeling more like a dependent child rather than an equal counterpart.

Takeaway: Recognizing and addressing the "parenting" dynamic is essential for a relationship's health and longevity. Partners must cultivate self-awareness and communicate openly about any imbalances they feel. Remember, it's about nurturing an environment where both partners feel seen, valued, and on equal footing. As you move forward, strive for a relationship that's built on mutual respect, equality, and love.

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F**k it, here’s a dad joke

You've really gotta hand it to short people...

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: Because they usually can't reach it anyway