Keeping Kids Up Past Bedtime

Happy Tuesday,

7 to 7 is something most of us become very familiar with once we have kids. You’re told that putting them down by 7pm optimizes sleep and keeping them up late doesn't cause them to sleep in, but could actually cause them to wake up earlier.

Typically, we follow this rule and put out daughter down for the night around 7:15-7:30. But, I’m a huge Philly sports fan and the last two games, the Eagles have played (and won) at night. On those days, we’ve let her take longer naps and then kept her up until about 8, and we’ve realized that the world doesn’t end when you keep your kid up an extra half hour.

What has been your experience keeping your kids up past bedtime? Reply and let me know!

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One Big Idea

My Daughter

The journey of early parenthood is often painted with the colors of sleepless nights, diaper changes, and the joy of a baby's first smile. However, beneath this lies a deeper emotional narrative that is rarely discussed. As a birthing parent, for nearly nine months, your baby is an intrinsic part of you. This bond, so profound and intimate, undergoes a transformation as the baby starts to exhibit signs of independence. The first year witnesses this shift most acutely. While there's undeniable joy in seeing your child develop a sense of self and bond with others, it's also accompanied by a poignant realization: you are no longer their entire universe. This emotional dichotomy is beautifully captured by a first-time mom who shared her raw feelings on TikTok. As she navigates the evolving relationship with her child, she embodies a bittersweet essence of early motherhood that many can resonate with.

The digital age has brought forth a ton of content on motherhood, but few strike a chord as deeply as this candid video. It's a stark departure from the often sugar-coated portrayal of parenthood on social media. Instead, it delves into the heart of the matter, highlighting the complex emotions of gratitude for the growing bond between her partner and child, juxtaposed with the heartache of feeling less central in her baby's life. This transition, while natural, serves as a stark reminder of the transient nature of life and the ever-evolving dynamics of parent-child relationships.


  • Embrace the Change: Understand that as your child grows, their world will expand. This is a natural and essential part of their development. Embrace the moments of closeness and celebrate their growing independence.

  • Seek Support: It's okay to feel a mix of emotions. Talk to your partner, or seek professional counseling. Sharing your feelings can provide clarity and comfort.

  • Remember Your Worth: While your child's reactions might change, your value in their life remains immeasurable. Their bonds with others don't diminish the love they have for you. Celebrate all facets of parenthood, and know that every phase has its unique beauty and challenges.

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F**k it, here’s a dad joke

Did you hear about the guy who drank invisible ink?

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: He's at the hospital waiting to be seen