Goodbye Baby, Hello Toddler

Happy Friday,

I’m officially the parent of a toddler. Now that our daughter has turned 1, I’ve been told that we can no longer call her a baby. Even though this is a pretty small detail, it makes me sad to know that she’ll never be a baby again.

Have you experienced similar moments that caught you off-guard emotionally? Reply to this email and let me know (or to make me feel better)!

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One Big Idea

Overwhelmed by Options

Parenting trends come and go, but one concept that has gained traction and seems to have staying power is the empowerment of children through choices. This approach positions children as active participants in family dynamics, valuing their preferences and opinions. On the surface, it’s a great idea: acknowledging our children as individuals with distinct tastes and views, fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth. However, this well-intentioned practice can quickly spiral into an overwhelming array of options. For example, I was recently at a restaurant—where a mom, amidst the chaos of toys, iPads, and meals, was inundating her kids with a never-ending stream of questions, about everything from how their french fries tasted to what they were playing.

While I understand how it’s easy to fall into a asking relentless questions, this can be not only exhausting for us parents but also burdensome for children as it gives them excessive decision-making responsibilities. While it's vital to respect children's opinions, inundating them with choices, especially on trivial matters or significant life decisions, can be counterproductive. This practice can actually strip away the essence of childhood: a carefree period free from the weight of constant decision-making. As a kid, I remember wanting desperately to be an adult, but now that I am one, I often crave a break from the barrage of daily choices.

We should recognize the need to shield our children from similar stress. It's about striking a balance: offering choices that empower but don't overwhelm, and retaining a reasonable amount of parental authority without being overbearing.

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Here’s a dad joke

What do dogs and phones have in common?

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: Both have collar ID