Does It Ever Truly Get Easier?

Happy Monday,

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is gearing up for Thanksgiving! Like many other millennials, my wife and I do not live near our families. It’s sad to not be spending the holidays in Philadelphia or Grand Rapids, Michigan, but the time away also allows us to start thinking about building our own family traditions. I can’t say we’ve got any that will stick quite yet other than cooking a meal on Thanksgiving, but we’re working on it! Our anniversary is also the day after Christmas so lots to celebrate over here before the end of 2023.

I’m curious, what are the traditions that you’ve adapted from your family and will continue forever vs. what are some of those that you’ve started on your own? Reply to the email and let me know!

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One Big Idea

Time together on the couch

Does It Ever Get Easier in Parenting and Entrepreneurship?

As I have been learning this year, parenting, much like entrepreneurship, is often accompanied by the well-meaning but misleading assurance that "it gets easier." This phrase, typically tied to reaching certain milestones—whether it’s your kid finally sleeping through the night or your start-up securing its first major round of funding—implies a magical turning point beyond which challenges simply go away. However, as many parents and entrepreneurs, like me who juggles both roles, have discovered, this is a myth. My journey through parenting our nearly one year old (!!) daughter and growing Parenthood, reveals a different truth. Every achieved milestone, while a cause for celebration, often introduces new challenges. In parenting, just as we celebrated our daughter crawling for the first time, we were soon navigating the new challenges of childproofing our home and managing her newfound mobility. Each developmental milestone, while amazing, brings its own set of tasks and concerns.

The parallel between parenting and entrepreneurship highlights a crucial lesson: the journey never truly gets 'easier'; it evolves. The idea that things will suddenly become easier with time is a comforting but unrealistic expectation. Instead, what I have worked on over the past few months is embracing the ongoing journey, with all its ups and downs, and feeling gratitude for all of the support around me. I hope this insight is relevant for parents and entrepreneurs, who may be seeking solace in the thought of an easier future. Understanding and accepting that each stage brings its own unique challenges and joys can prepare you for a more realistic and rewarding journey ahead.

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Here’s a dad joke

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: A gummy bear