The Clock Is Still Ticking

Happy Friday,

Going to keep this one short and sweet. With only 24 hours remaining until Pandemic era funding dries up for child care centers throughout the country, I’m hoping that our politicians can look inside themselves and do something that has tangible benefits for real world people.

My heart is slowly breaking for all those out there who are going to be without the care they need, for the parents who are going to have to leave the work force, and for the kids who are going to go through drastic change in no longer seeing their friends or favorite teachers again.

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One Big Idea

The Effects of the Child Care Cliff

We’ve dived into the upcoming child care cliff in previous newsletters, so today we’ll focus on how it will affect more than just the immediate families. The removal of this essential support not only jeopardizes the future of these centers, but also threatens the stability of countless families. It's anticipated that an astounding 3.2 million children could lose access to child care. This is more than just an inconvenience for parents; it's a potential economic disruption. As child care becomes scarce, many parents, particularly women, may have no choice but to reduce work hours or exit the workforce entirely. The reverberations of such a shift would be felt throughout the economy, affecting everyone, regardless of whether they have children.

The impact of this crisis reaches further than just the immediate families involved. Reduced workforce participation means decreased consumer spending. And it's not just about today's immediate costs; it's also about the long-term implications. Women forced out of the workforce might face stunted career growth, widening gender pay disparities, and diminished future benefits. When viewed in this light, child care isn't just a personal concern; it's a national one, touching on issues of economic health, gender equity, and societal stability.

Trending Stories & Insights

  • How two childcare centers used COVID relief money - and how they’re preparing for it to run out

  • The co-founder of Ms. Niecy’s Learning Center, a child care center in Georgia, said 80% of his families depend on the Pandemic era funding. They’ll have to pay starting next week

  • “Day care isn’t always just a place to leave your kids during work. For many families, it is a community — one that is not easy to replace

Tip of the Day

F**k it, here’s a dad joke

Did you hear about the cat that ate a lemon?

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: Now it's a sour puss