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When Childcare Cost More Than College Tuition

Happy Thursday,

I’m not the last of my friends to have a kid, but I’m also not the first, and many of them are just a few months or years ahead of us. I am pretty happy about that for a number of reasons. One is obviously that we have seen the stages kids go through. For instance, our daughter is at the stage where she’s getting super mobile and taking a fall or bumping her head is bound to happen. I’ve seen my friends daughters take some tumbles, and they’re always fine. Sure, in the moment they might be upset and cry for a second, but kids are super resilient. After awhile it seems like this doesn’t even phase them anymore. Though I know this, it’s always tough to see your kid in ‘pain’ even if two seconds later when you give them a popsicle they’re miraculously healed.

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One Big Idea

Parenting is a roller coaster of emotions, challenges, and rewards. Every day presents a new set of trials that test our patience, understanding, and resilience. Often, we find ourselves reacting to our children's behavior based on our own emotions, past experiences, and preconceived notions. But what if the key to a harmonious household lies not in changing our children, but in changing ourselves? One mother’s journey, as she navigates the challenges of parenting, highlights a significant revelation: when parents change, everything changes. Child behavior expert Paul Dix also emphasizes that the key to effective parenting isn't about controlling the child but about controlling and understanding oneself. By shifting our perspective and approach, not only do we foster a more positive environment, but we also empower our children to grow, learn, and thrive.

Takeaway: Embracing change as a parent requires actionable steps; here are three transformative strategies to guide your parenting journey:

  • Self-awareness is Key: Before reacting to your child's behavior, take a moment to understand your emotions. Are you reacting based on your child's actions or your own emotional baggage? Recognize and separate the two.

  • Consistency is Crucial: Children thrive on predictability. Having a set of mantras or pre-prepared strategies can help you respond calmly and consistently, even in stressful situations.

  • Praise and Positive Reinforcement: Instead of focusing solely on what your child is doing wrong, take time to acknowledge and praise what they're doing right. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in shaping behavior and building a strong parent-child bond.

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Tip(s) of the Day

F**k it, here’s a dad joke

How do you cook an alligator?

Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

Time(out) for Memes

Dad joke answer: With a croc-pot