Can This Solo Dad Survive Solids?

Happy Tuesday,

Okay, here we go again. My wife is out of town for the next ~30 hours and operation solo dad is in effect. I’ve gone a few days on my own before, but not since we switched to feeding our daughter solids, so I’m a bit nervous that I’ll f**k something up. Fortunately, my wife did prepare me a meal time cheat sheet, so I’m feeling a little more confident in my ability to make sure she eats well.

How did y’all deal with being on your own for the first time? Any tips or hacks I should know to become super dad before ~2:30p tomorrow?

Reply to this email and let me know (also feel free to tell me that it’ll all be alright)!

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One Big Idea


As I now know first hand, the pressure that we feel as parents in today's fast-paced world is unrelenting. From striving to provide the "perfect" upbringing to capturing every moment on social media, the expectations that we feel can largely be overwhelming. But what if I told you that being a "good enough parent" might be the key to happier, healthier families? Developed by UK pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott in the 1950s, the concept of 'good enough parenting' challenges the belief that we need to be perfect parents. It acknowledges that parents can't always be immediately responsive, nor should we be. Instead, it encourages parents to strike a balance between meeting the needs of our kids and allowing them to experience the challenges and uncertainties of life on their own.

Takeaway: Embracing 'good enough parenting' means accepting that parental mistakes are inevitable and even beneficial for the growth of our kids. It's about tuning into your child's evolving needs and emotions, setting realistic boundaries, and being there to support them through the ups and downs. Remember, it's not about being superhuman but recognizing that imperfections are part of the parenting journey. So, as you navigate the rewarding yet challenging path of parenthood, be kind to yourself, seek help when needed, and focus on being the 'good enough' parent your child truly needs. You got this!

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Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for the answer!

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